How to Choose the Most Durable Materials for Outdoor Furniture in a Coastal Climate?

Choosing outdoor furniture for a coastal climate can be a challenging task. The high humidity, salty air, and constant exposure to sea breezes can quickly deteriorate the quality of your outdoor pieces. To ensure that your investment lasts, it’s essential to select the right materials that can withstand these harsh conditions.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of choosing the most durable materials for outdoor furniture in a coastal climate. We’ll discuss the common problems faced by homeowners in coastal areas and introduce the best materials for outdoor furniture in these conditions. By the end of this article, you’ll have the knowledge necessary to make an informed decision when investing in outdoor pieces.

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Understanding the Challenges of a Coastal Climate

Before diving into the specific materials, it’s vital to understand why coastal climates present unique challenges for outdoor furniture. The combination of sun, salt, and high humidity can wreak havoc on furniture, causing issues including rust, rot, and fading.

Sun Damage

Direct sunlight can cause furniture to fade, especially those made from plastic or fabric. Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays can also deteriorate certain materials, leading to cracking or discolouration.

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Salt and Humidity

Salt air is corrosive, and over time, it can cause considerable damage to outdoor furniture. Metals can rust, and wood can rot. Humidity also creates an environment conducive to the growth of mold and mildew, especially on fabric and untreated wood.

Choosing Outdoor Furniture Materials: What to Consider?

When selecting outdoor furniture for a coastal climate, there are several factors you need to take into account. These include durability, maintenance, aesthetics, and, of course, price.


Choose furniture made from materials that are resistant to the elements mentioned above. These materials should be able to withstand UV radiation, resist rust and rot, and be impervious to mold and mildew.


Consider how much time and effort you’re willing to put into maintaining your outdoor furniture. Some materials require regular cleaning and treatment to keep them in top condition, while others are virtually maintenance-free.


Don’t forget to consider the visual appeal of your outdoor furniture. The material you choose should complement your outdoor space and match your personal style.

Best Materials for Outdoor Furniture in a Coastal Climate

Here are the most durable and low-maintenance materials for outdoor furniture in a coastal climate.


Teak is a popular choice for outdoor furniture due to its durability and natural resistance to the elements. It can withstand harsh weather conditions, resist decay, and repel insects. Moreover, teak develops a charming silver-grey patina over time, enhancing its visual appeal.


Aluminum is lightweight, rust-proof, and requires minimal maintenance, making it an excellent choice for coastal climates. It can also be coated with a protective finish to further enhance its durability and resistance to UV rays.

Synthetic Resin

Synthetic resin is a high-quality, durable material that mimics the appearance of wicker. It is highly resistant to sun, salt, and humidity, and requires almost no maintenance. Moreover, synthetic resin furniture comes in a variety of styles to suit any outdoor space.

Protective Measures for Outdoor Furniture in a Coastal Climate

Aside from choosing durable materials, you can also take additional measures to extend the lifespan of your outdoor furniture.

Regular Cleaning

Regular cleaning can remove salt and other contaminants from the surface of your furniture. Use mild, non-abrasive cleaners to prevent damage to the material.

Protective Covers

Using protective covers can shield your furniture from the elements when not in use. Ensure that these covers are made from durable, weather-resistant materials.

Sealants and Protective Finishes

Apply sealants or protective finishes to your outdoor furniture. These can provide an additional layer of protection against sun, salt, and humidity.

In conclusion, choosing outdoor furniture for a coastal climate does not have to be a daunting task. By understanding the specific challenges and choosing the right materials, you can ensure that your outdoor furniture remains beautiful and functional for years to come.

Strategic Placement of Outdoor Furniture in a Coastal Climate

Knowing where to place your outdoor furniture in a coastal climate is just as important as choosing the right material. Strategic furniture placement can result in reduced exposure to the harsh elements thereby extending the lifespan of your outdoor furniture.

Finding Shade

Shaded areas are good for outdoor furniture as they offer protection against harmful UV rays which can cause discoloration and deterioration. While it’s impossible to keep your furniture completely out of the sun, try to position it in areas that offer some shade for parts of the day. For example, placing the furniture under a pergola or a large umbrella can limit the amount of direct sunlight your furniture receives.

Away from Salty Breezes

Coastal areas are known for their salty breezes which can be corrosive to your outdoor furniture. Although you can’t eliminate exposure to salty air, you can mitigate its effects by placing your furniture in areas less exposed to the wind. Consider placing your furniture near walls, fences, or other barriers that can serve as windbreakers.

High Ground

In coastal climates, it is also common to experience heavy rainfalls or high tides. To prevent your outdoor furniture from being submerged in water, consider placing them on a raised deck or any high ground. This is especially important for wooden furniture as prolonged water exposure can cause wood rot.


Choosing the most durable materials for outdoor furniture in a coastal climate involves a holistic approach. It’s not just about selecting the right materials, but also considering the maintenance, aesthetics, and strategic placement of your furniture. Materials like teak, aluminum, and synthetic resin are excellent choices due to their durability and low maintenance requirements. Additionally, taking protective measures such as regular cleaning, using protective covers, and applying sealants or protective finishes can significantly enhance the lifespan of your furniture. Remember, the goal is to create an outdoor space that not only looks good but can also withstand the unique challenges presented by a coastal climate. With the right knowledge and choices, you can definitely achieve that.

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